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When You Still Don’t Know What You Want to be When You Grow Up

By: Molly Meysenburg

Throughout the past four years at the University of Nebraska, I have learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined. I’ve learned what motivates me, what inspires me and, most importantly, what makes me excited to jump out of bed when those very early morning alarms go off. However, this didn't magically happen the day I set foot on UNL’s campus as a freshman. It happened a bit more gradually and chaotically through this crazy thing we call college. On this rollercoaster ride, I have learned so much, but I have also learned that it is okay to be a senior in college and still not know exactly what you want to be when you grow up.

In the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, no two students are the same. Everyone in this college has different dream careers, resumes and random experiences most people have never even heard of. Everyone is different and everyone is unique. This is something that makes my college so special, but this can also lead to feeling inferior at times.

As an underclassman, I felt like everyone in my classes was finding their “thing,” and I just wasn't. There were designers, videographers and copywriters, and it seemed like everyone loved what they were doing. At first, this was frustrating for me, but then I started to shift my mindset. What if it was a positive thing that I didn't know what I wanted to do? I had the freedom and motivation to explore anything. I began feeling proud of the growth I was experiencing through discovering myself, and I was less caught up in the stress of not knowing exactly what I wanted to do when I finished college.

After taking a swing at many different things and learning about my true self, everything else began to shift into place. I suddenly became very passionate about social media management, social advertising, and copywriting. I finally felt like I had found my place and something I could really commit to. I found an internship I loved that challenged me to learn and grow. I was accepted into Jacht, where I met people in the exact same boat as me, unsure of what exactly they wanted to do after graduation, but giving their best shot to the things they enjoy right now.

Most of my family and friends don’t fully understand what I do (some may even think that my whole job involves just scrolling Facebook and Twitter). I have quickly learned the importance of being my own biggest fan. It can be hard to be consistent and keep pushing on when no one is there clapping for you, and that is why it is so important to be able to clap for yourself. You should always be your own #1 fan and remember that wherever life ends up taking you, the journey is worth it.

At times, it can feel like everyone but you has their life perfectly together. They have plans and talents and dreams. But it is important to remember that even though your plans, talents and dreams might not look exactly the same, you have these same amazing qualities, too. If I’m being honest, I truly have no idea what my life will look like one year from now, but I have learned that if you can shift your mindset just a little, the future can transform from a scary unknown to an exciting place filled with infinite possibilities.

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